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How To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men
"New men's health study reveals...
"How A Secret Discovery In Malaysia
Can Give You An 107% Increase In
Sexual Desire And Stamina...
In 60 Days Or Less... Guaranteed!"Who Else Wants A 370% Increase In
Testosterone Levels In 45 Days Or Less?
Dear Friend,
Testosterone is the most important hormone for men who want to retain their youthful strength and vigor.
No other hormone influences whether you have a healthy, strong and lean physique or a weak flabby body. Testosterone influences not just muscles and health, but also leanness, mood, sex drive and performance... even success in business!
More than anything else, testosterone levels are the difference between maintaining your youthful health, sex drive, sexual performance and "lust for life" or... constantly losing strength, gaining weight (especially in the abdomen) and declining sexual performance.
That's why for years, athletes who wanted every possible advantage have been using synthetic testosterone.
But the lust for higher testosterone levels isn't just limited to bodybuilders and obsessive athletes.
Baby Boomer men reaching middle age follow healthy diets, exercise and do all the right things, but they discover their sex drive, strength and energy decline.
What's The Solution?
Testosterone!But for most men, the negative side effects associated with synthetic testosterone replacement therapy isn't worth the risks... and the expense. Not to mention the inconvenience of weekly injections.
But during a recent trip to Malaysia, I stumbled onto a new discovery that promises to be the next breakthrough for radically and safely increasing testosterone levels.
There is a plant that grows naturally in Malaysia called Tongkat Ali or Longjack.
Years ago, somebody discovered this plant drastically increased your sex drive. But, it was also discovered...
It Restores Testosterone Levels
To Those Of A Teenager, Increases
Muscle Mass & Strength And Dramatically
Improves Sexual Desire & Performance!When combined in exact proportions with several other little known testosterone stimulating ingredients, an amazing synergism occurs. (That means all of the ingredients together dramatically increase each others' effectiveness.)
This newly-discovered formula worked even better than anyone expected for increased sex drive, stronger erections and stamina! After extensive testing, we contacted Griffin Marketing (the only company in North America authorized to market this product) and arranged to make it available for sale.
Introducing Andro Stack...
A Safe, All Natural Formula Of
Jealously Guarded Synergistic
Testosterone-Producing Factors.Andro Stack is the first formula to harness the power of Tongkat Ali, the potent Malaysian herb clinically demonstrated to increase testosterone levels and sexual desire... even in castrated animals!
Here's Just A Few Of
The Benefits Of "Andro Stack"
Just 3 capsules of Andro Stack a day increases sexual desire, frequency and strength of erections.
Feel your sex drive go through the roof!
Been exercising with no results? With Andro Stack you'll make impressive and consistent muscle gains and fat loss from each and every workout.
Build or regain muscle mass and strength 177% faster while dramatically reducing body fat.
If you've ever been concerned about your performance in the bedroom, those days are over. Just 2 to 3 capsules 45 minutes before sexual activity increases sex drive and blood flow to the penis, producing stronger and harder erections and faster recovery after orgasm.
Unlike testosterone replacement therapy, Andro Stack does not suppress or shut down your body's own testosterone production.
Increased energy and improved mood.
Numerous clinical trials have shown conclusively that daily ingestion of Longjack increases testosterone levels in castrated rats! These animals showed significant testosterone increases and sexual behavior after just a few weeks!
Combats fatigue, increases energy & stamina... you'll last longer in the bedroom, too!
Improves blood circulation.
Early results from a study conducted by the Malaysian government and the highly respected Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) showed that chemical constituents of the Longjack plant show potent anti-cancer activity.
No negative side effects like those associated with synthetic testosterone replacement therapy.
Unlike the formerly popular (but now banned) Androstenedione which caused breast tissue growth in men, Andro Stack only elevates testosterone levels, not estrogen levels.
Andro Stack is made from all natural, highly effective herbal extracts. Not one single ingredient is banned by the FDA or on the list of substances scheduled to be banned.
As a professional medical researcher I have a healthy skepticism for any kind of natural product. So when I took a couple capsules of Andro Stack I certainly didn't expect to feel anything working.
But just a couple capsules before sexual activity gave me about 75% of the same effects as 50 mg of Viagra!
Avoid The Effects
Of "Andropause"If you are a man 30 years old or older, you should probably be taking 2 capsules of Andro Stack a day just to maintain normal testosterone levels and avoid what doctors are now calling "Andropause".
It's a sad fact of life that testosterone levels start declining in your mid to late 20's, and continue declining the rest of your life. It is the biggest contributing factor to aging, increased body fat, decreased sex drive, loss of strength and muscle mass, "pot belly", etc.
By keeping your levels of testosterone elevated with 2 capsules of Andro Stack every day, you can avoid most of the nasty effects of "Andropause".
Imagine How You'll Look And
Feel After Experiencing A 370%
Increase In Testosterone Levels!If you exercise regularly, you'll start seeing weekly changes in your physique and strength.
Your sex drive will be back to how it was when you were a teenager.
In general, you'll feel better and have a more positive outlook on everything.
Testosterone is that powerful and can spark dramatic positive changes in your life.
100% Guaranteed To Give You
Increased Testosterone Levels,
Increased Sex Drive And An
Improved Sense Of Well-Being!I'm so sure you're going to love how you look and feel after only a few weeks, I'm offering a 100% no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.
Use Andro Stack 60 days exactly as suggested. If you don't see significant improvements in sex drive and sexual performance, simply send back the empty containers and get a 100% no-hassle refund.
A 30 day supply of Andro Stack is normally $69.95 and it's easy to order...
Just call 1-800-635-8970 to order with your credit card.
Or to order online via our secure shopping cart, click the button below.
Andro Stack
(90 capsules per bottle)
$90 capsules + $5.00 S&HAll orders are processed on our secure online shopping cart. Your personal information and credit card information are safe and 100% secure.
WARNING: Andro Stack is flying off the shelves! We have practically sold out of the entire first lot. If your order comes in after the first lot has been sold out, I'm sorry... but your order will have to be returned and will not be filled. So pick up the phone and order now or order online!
Sincerely, Paul Becker Truly Huge Fitness
There is an enormous demand for this limited introductory supply of Andro Stack. So, if you call and the line is busy, please keep calling back until you get through. 1-800-635-8970.
Here's What People Are Saying About Andro Stack...
I am a 44y/o podiatric physician who has been lifting since 1985. I tested my serum testosterone levels before starting Andro Stack 115 days ago. My testosterone levels on 10/27/03 were 719 NG/DL. My levels on 2/21/04 were 951 NG/DL. My weightlifting went well through this time frame.
William K. Oliver III, DPM
Lafayette, IndianaI recently came across an ad for Andro Stack. Of course after being skeptical I tried that product and after 6 weeks the results have been pretty impressive. You're right about some of the side effects being frequent erections! I'm using 2 capsules of Andro Stack (1 before bed and 1 in the morning upon awakening.) This combination seems to be working pretty damn good. After 6 weeks so far I have experienced the rare privilege of being reintroduced to some very old friends of mine... "MY ABS"! I would recommended this product to anyone over 30 years whose body is now going through some changes.
Eddie De La Cruz
Blue Coyote Media
Bronx, New YorkI am almost at the end of my 2 month course of Andro Stack - WHAT A PRODUCT!! I have always found it hard to gain muscle as fast as I would like, and in under 2 months that has been achieved. And like you say in the newsletter about Andro Stack 'People notice the difference', and they certainly have which boosts your incentive to train (and hard). The elevation of self esteem I have gotten is too good to let go.
Anthony Kerrey
United KingdomAndro Stack
(90 capsules per bottle)
$69.95 + $5.00 S&HAll orders are processed on our secure online shopping cart. Your personal information and credit card information are safe and 100% secure.
Clinical Studies
Ang HH, Cheang HS Effects of Eurycoma longifolia jack on laevator ani muscle in both uncastrated and testosterone-stimulated castrated intact male rats. Arch Pharm Res. 2001 Oct;24(5):437-40
Ang HH, Ngai TH Aphrodisiac evaluation in non-copulator male rats after chronic administration of Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2001 Aug;15(4):265-8
Ang HH, Ikeda S, Gan EK Evaluation of the potency activity of aphrodisiac in Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Phytother Res. 2001 Aug;15(5):435-6
Ang HH, Cheang HS, Yusof AP Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) on the initiation of sexual performance of inexperienced castrated male rats. Exp Anim. 2000 Jan;49(1):35-8
Ang HH, Cheang HS.Studies on the anxiolytic activity of Eurycoma longifolia Jack roots in mice. Jpn J Pharmacol. 1999 Apr;79(4):497-500
Ang HH, Chan KL, Mak JW Effect of 7-day daily replacement of culture medium containing Eurycoma longifolia Jack constituents on the Malaysian Plasmodium falciparum isolates. J Ethnopharmacol. 1995 Dec 15;49(3):171-5
Ang HH, Chan KL, Mak JW In vitro antimalarial activity of quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia against Malaysian chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates. Planta Med. 1995 APR;61(2):177-8
Kardono LB, Angerhofer CK Tsauri S, Padmawinata K, Pezzuto JM, Kinghorn AD.Cytotoxic and antimalarial constituents of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia. J Nat Prod. 1991 Sep-Oct;54(5):1360-7
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Disclaimer: The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Should not be used by anyone under the age of 18, or by women of any age. This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.